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Supply 2019-nCoV Protective Products

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With the 2019-nCoV of the global epidemic, many countries have a serious shortage of protection materials.Now that the outbreak in China is basically over, factories have begun to resume production. NuMei Bio-Tech Co.,Ltd. wholesale protective materials together with well-known factories in China.

Products include:  Disposable Face Masks,  KN95 Disposable Face Masks, Infrared Thermometer ect.

Disposable Face Masks, 50pcs per box, minimum order quantity one box. 50usd/box, and shiping fee is 50usd.
Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Disposable Face Masks are disposable, loose-fitting face masks that cover your nose, mouth, and chin. They’re typically used to:

1. protect the wearer from sprays, splashes, and large-particle droplets
2. prevent the spread of potentially infectious respiratory secretions from the wearer to others

Surgical masks can vary in design, but the mask itself is often flat and rectangular in shape with pleats or folds. The top of the mask contains a metal strip that can be formed to your nose.

Elastic bands or long, straight ties help hold a surgical mask in place while you’re wearing it. These can either be looped behind your ears or tied behind your head.


KN95 Face Masks 6 Layers Safety Earloop Anti Dust anti virus Mouth Mask.
Without Filters: 40usd/10pcs,
With Filters: 52usd/10pcs

Email: [email protected] [email protected]

KN95 respirator is a more tight-fitting face mask. In addition to splashes, sprays, and large droplets, this respirator can also filter out 95 percentTrusted Source of very small particles. This includes viruses and bacteria.

The respirator itself is generally circular or oval in shape and is designed to form a tight seal to your face.

Elastic bands help hold it firmly to your face. Some types may have an attachment called an exhalation valve, which can help with breathing and the buildup of heat and humidity.

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